Thursday, November 8, 2012

Positive and Negative Statements


A positive statement does not have the word no or not.

肯定句里没有 no not

I am reading a book.
That is a deer.

A negative statement has the word no or not.

否定句里有 no not

I am not reading a book.
That is not a deer.

Exercise 19 a
Change the sentences below into negative statements using ‘do not’, ‘does not’ or ‘did not’.

1. Ann and Fay stay here.
2. I borrowed the pen from my friend.
3. Alex plays the guitar.
4. Our teacher explained the topic to us.

Exercise 19 b
Change the sentences below into negative statements using ‘do not’, ‘does not’ or ‘did not’.

1. The girls do not take dinner early every evening.
2. Mariam does not stay near the school.
3. We did not go to the cinema last night.
4. My brother does not play in the school team.

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